Friday, July 24, 2015

Feng Shui Reasons To Clean House:

Feng Shui Reasons To Clean House: 
1. Greater Focus=  Cleaning increases the feng shui “metal energy” in your life.  Metal is the element of boundaries and mental acumen. Increasing the metal energy in your house by dusting, vacuuming and sweeping helps you to focus, curate your thoughts and even break down those pesky co-dependent relationships down a bit!
2. Less Allergies= Our homes (everywhere, you are not exempt) are full of mites and other microscopic critters and germs that are really gnarly to contemplate, but if you are in a cleaning habit that includes changing your lovely sheets, fluffing out your bedding in the dryer and deep-cleaning your carpets if you have them at least once a month, that colony of allergens becomes quite small.  If allergies are a huge issue for you, consider investing in a high-powered HEPA air filter for your place and keep it clean, too!
3. Increased Prosperity= When you clean, you rid your home of stale energy.  Keep the windows open while you dust and vacuum.  Consider burning sage once a week at home (safely, please!) before you dust and vacuum to send the bad vibes on their way out the door, infusing your world with positive ions.  This is prosperous activity!
4. Clear Thoughts = Washing your windows can actually give you clarity, especially when you are stuck in a particular thought process.
5. Less Emotional Melt-Down= Clutter and junk and un-emptied trash are all ways we accumulate emotional baggage.  Get it out of your space continuously and you decrease your chances of overwhelm when stress levels get high.
6. Fewer Life Obstacles= When you attack problems in your space, you get into the mental space of confronting problems in life.  Plus, the more clear and sparkling your home is, the less you will be focused on obstacles and the more you will think of action and solution.
7. Beauty = Plain & Simple… clean is beautiful.  Even modest spaces are a trillion times more beautiful when they are kept in meticulous shape.  Beautiful home = Beautiful life.
8. Creative Problem Solving= all those home activities like washing dishes, scrubbing tiles, scraping paint off windows… they take your “analytical” brain off of the day to day logic thinking and the actual activity of cleaning puts you in a more creative, active mode.  In that creative brain-space, solutions to problems and all sorts of inspiration finds it way into your life.

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