Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hematite Crystals

Hematite Crystals

Stimulate The Mind Protective, Grounding And Balancing

Hematite crystals have an excellent grounding and balancing energy, as well as being a powerful aid to stimulate the mind. They enhance memory and evoke deep thought.
They have a highly protective energy and are good to help women who lack courage.
If you desire to stimulate your mind for higher learning, they are most helpful, especially in the field of mathematics and technical studies.
They will assist the development of logical thought processes, and help you to reach the highest capacity possible.
They will heighten self confidence, will power and self-esteem.
The energy of these stones have a strong physical grounding energy, that vibrates strongly at the base or root chakra, and they are known for their action to provide pain relief.

Why Would You Use It

Hematite crystals will help to relieve any spaciness you may feel especially if you have been working with high vibration crystals.
Using these grounding crystals will help to settle you and totally ground your energy to earth, as they help you to make a stronger connection to the earth.
By taking any excess energy down via the base chakra to the earth chakra, and to Mother Gaia, this will help to prevent any health problems that can develop.
This stone is highly protective, and is useful to protect and seal your aura field to prevent intrusion from unwanted entities while undertaking spiritual journeying.
If you have been using high vibration stones, especially stones that stimulate the third eye and crown chakra, Hematite crystals will ground you spiritually on your return.
These crystals can be beneficial to stabilize your energy field, to allow you to keep your connection both with Mother Gaia and with spirit.

How Will It Help You

The energy of this crystal will help to balance your aura and align your chakras, as it brings together the energy of the mind, body and spirit.
Sometimes when you work with high crystal energy stones you can become dreamy or spacy and lose yourself to the high vibration energy, instead of integrating it throughout your entire chakric system.
Hematite Crystals can be very helpful to assist you to embody the high vibration energy while at the same time aiding you to let go of any excess of energy.
This is important as spaciness can make it hard to operate effectively, and to get on with day to day living. Hematite crystals are not just for grounding as they aid you to integrate the energy of the physical and the spiritual.
This type of grounding helps to bring the flow of light energy down from the higher chakras and throughout the entire body. Lightbody energy is highly beneficial if it is balanced, rather than allowing it to be diffused erratically.
It is not simply good enough to work with the high vibration energy, which is all very nice, but it is also important to bring through the energy of spirit to the physical to manifest within your life. Use it in meditation, to aid tranquility and help to calm your thoughts.

Where Does It Come From ... Hematite Meaning

Hematite has been found in a large number of locations, including Africa, Sweden, Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Western Australia, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and the USA.
It was originally named Haematite, which dated back to antiquity, but the spelling was changed to remove the "a". This name relates to the Greek word meaning blood.
The meaning of it's name is due to the fact that it is commonly a deep red color, which closely resembles the color of blood. Its color may also be grayish black, brownish, orangey red or have a silvery metallic lustre.
Many people associate Hematite with the silvery grey colored stones, which are made from ground up, reconstituted stone.
Hematite in quartz crystalHematite in quartz crystal
Hematite crystals like the one in the image above, are less common and they may be tabular in form or may occur as rosettes.
It also occurs as a red inclusion in quartz crystals, see image on the right above, and these crystals may occur in a variety of quartz formations.
Hematite in quartz crystal, like the one on the left, has various names given to it.
This includes the names 'Red Quartz' and Hematoid quartz, which usually refers to stones like the one shown here that are commonly a deeper red color which is overlaid clear quartz.

The name Harlequin quartz or Fire Quartz usually refers to crystals that have red dots or strings of Hematite within them.The name Ferruginous Quartz may also be used to refer to a piece of quartz that contains a good concentration of either Hematite or Limonite.
The silvery Hematite stones and magnetic beads that many people wear, are made from reconstituted Hematite. They have some different metaphysical properties that are very useful.

Who Should Use It

Hematite is easy to buy, and if you wish to stimulate your mind for higher learning, they are most helpful, especially in the area of mathematics and technical studies.
These crystals are beneficial to stimulate the mind and they enhance memory and induce deep thought.
They will help with the development of logical thought processes, and aid you to reach the highest capacity possible.
They have a quite protective energy and are advantageous stones to help women who lack courage. They will heighten self confidence, will power and self-esteem.
These stones are said to embody both the yin and the yang energies, the male and the female energy, which require being in balance for good health.
They are very beneficial to remedy yin imbalances in your system, and are also 
Hematitehelpful to aid you to let go of negativity and feel more at peace.
Hematite crystals and stones have an excellent vibration that aids spiritual grounding and balancing.  
Hematite crystals is an excellent female stone, assisting timid women to have heightened confidence and self-esteem.
Health problem that are aided by using them include their action to strengthen the liver and to support the health of the spleen.
They are also helpful to aid you to overcome addictions.
They are said to be very helpful to aid problems in the blood system, and blood disorders such as anemia, and are known to be helpful to assist you to absorb iron.
This crystal is said to aid in the formation of new red blood cells, as it helps the production of blood within the bone marrow.
It has a good action to ensure that broken bones or fractures heal properly.
If you use it at the solar plexus also known as the power chakra, this energy may enhance your willpower and personal magnetism.
It will help to boost your self esteem and help you to feel better overall emotionally and physically. It may also help to establish peace and harmony in your life.
It is a good idea to carry a piece on the body to enhance your health. The use of the hematite magnetic bracelets or pendants may be an easy and highly beneficial way to use these stones.

Wearing Hematite Magnets

Magnetic bracelets and necklaces made from Hematite are now quite common, and you will find them on the zodiac birthstone list page.
Not only are they excellent to aid spiritual grounding, but they also have a number of other excellent healing qualities and are powerful to keep on the body.
Magnetic Hematite Bead NecklaceMagnetic Hematite Bead Necklace
Beads made from Hematite crystals are very easy to get as jewelry, and can be found as bracelets or necklaces, and come in a range of different styles.
They are birthstones for Aquarius, so read more about them and other Gemini birthstones there.
They are available at a large number of places, and you may find you are also able to get birthstone jewelry made from this stone.
Hematite jewelry is easy to find, including Hematite rings, bracelets and necklaces, that are highly beneficial to wear.
These crystals are excellent to relieve headaches, especially those associated with using high vibration crystals and becoming ungrounded.They are also good stones to use to grid your home to help to prevent negative energy build up.
In my own home, they are in each of the corners of the home, and in my study where the computer is located.
This room has extra ones to aid the dissipation of energy build up from the electromagnetic fields created.
They are also good to use to place on the body in healing layouts, one at each chakra to balance the energy flow in the body.
They may also bring pain relief to back problems if placed at intervals along the spine.

Combining It With Other Stones

It is beneficial to use other strong spiritual grounding stones with Hematite crystals.
Stones that combine well with this stone include Tourmilated Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian Stone, Iron Pyrite, Smokey Quartz or Cerussite.
This stone has a very similar structure to another magnetic stone known as Lodestone or Magnetite, seen in image on right. These two crystals are highly compatible when used together.
To help you with overcoming addictions it may be beneficial to combine this stone with other stones that are also known to aid addictions.
You may like to use it with higher vibration stones such asPurple Amethyst Crystals or Datolite, which are both excellent to help you to let go of addictive substances or behavior.
As it has a strong resonance at the lower chakras, you may choose to use it with the base chakra stones Dravite also known as Brown Tourmaline, Black Obsidian Stone, Jet, Staurolite or Unakite.
If you could use some help to stimulate your willpower, combine them with Iron Pyrite,Orange Carnelian, Dumortierite, Preseli Bluestone, Sardonyx, Libyan Desert Glass, Pietersite or Malachite, and use them at the solar plexus chakra.
To aid this stones strong action to help you to harmonize your male-female energies you may choose to use it with other crystals that have the same action.
Stones such as Marcasite, Amazonite, Nephrite Jade, Turquoise, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Shaman Stones, Iolite, Magnetite, Amesite, Ascension Stones, Sphalerite and Golden Yellow Labradorite are good choices.
If you wish to use this stone to boost your memory, combine it with other stones that also aid the memory.
Other stones that have a good effect on the memory includes Azurite, Diaspore, Herderite, Ascension Stones, Green Calcite, Baryte, Axinite and Emeralds.

Photo Gallery... Hematite Crystals

Magnetic HematiteMagnetic Hematite
Hematite CrystalHematite Crystal

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