Saturday, May 23, 2015

Symbolisim in jewelry

What is the hamsa meaning?

Hamsa symbolThe Hamsa Hand is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths it is a protective sign. It brings it’s owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune.
The hamsa hand has a wide variety of different spellings which includes hamesh, hamsa, chamsa, and khamsa.  It is also identified as the Hand of Miriam, Aaron and Moses’s sister, and the Hand of Fatima.  The hamsa hand has two main styles.  One style is shaped like a regular hand, and the other has two symmetrical thumbs.  The second of the two styles is the most popular.  The wearer of the hamsa hand can wear it facing up or down and it is believed to give the owner success, harmony, and protection from the “Ayin Ha’ra,” also known as the evil eye.
The hamsa hand has a variety of meanings and interpretations, depending on the culture.  The word, “hamsa,” derives its name from the five fingers on the hand. In Hebrew, the number five is “hamesh” and the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is “Hey,” one of God’s holy names. “Hamesh” is representative of the five books of the Torah. In Judaism, it is also interpreted to be the Hand of Miriam, and symbolic of the owner’s five senses in an effort to praise God.
In Arabic, it is “khamesh.” In the Sunni culture, the hamsa is associated with the Five Pillars of Islam.  For the Shi’tes, it symbolizes the Five People of the Cloak.  In the Islamic faith, it symbolizes as The Hand of Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed.
The hamsa hand sometimes includes an eye symbol, which is thought to protect against the evil eye.  It is often worn as a pendant on a necklace but also is found on key chains, house decorations, baby carriages, and other jewelry items.

What is the evil eye meaning?

TheEvil Eye symbol Evil Eye is one of the strongest symbolic images in the world.The belief in the evil eye dates back almost 3,000 years to ancient Greece and Rome. Wearing an evil eye as an amulet is believed to provide protection against evil forces. The evil eye has symbolism in almost every country in the world and in every religion, such as Judaism, islam, Hindu, Buddhism, and Christianity.
The evil eye is a look given to inflict harm, suffering, or some form of bad luck on the person that it is cast upon. Giving someone “the evil eye” is a look which clearly states that one intends for something bad to happen to the other person, either out of jealousy or pure malice. It is believed by many cultures that the look is powerful enough to bring about actual disaster for the unfortunate person that is the receiver of the glare.
In many cultures, excessive praise or receiving admiration beyond what is truly deserved can bring upon the scorn of the evil eye, which was believed to cause physical and mental illness. Ashkenazi Jews believe that excessive praise causes a vulnerability to the evil eye, and will repeat a Yiddish phrase, “Keyn aynhoreh!” meaning “no evil eye” in order to protect against it.
The evil eye is a popular trend in jewelry today and can be seen on many celebrities as a stylish jewelry statement.

What is the Tree of Life meaning?

Tree of Life symbolThe Tree of Life is a many-branched tree that represents the interconnectedness of all life on our planet. It is a motif that is present in various religions, mythologies, and philosophies. The Tree of Life illustrates that idea that all life on earth is related and we all have the same beginnings. With beauty and diversity, we are all leaves on the same Tree of Life.

What is the cross definition?

Cross SymbolThe cross is a symbol that is central to Christianity. Wearing a cross or hanging a cross in the home is believed to protect you from the winds of misfortune. Jesus Christ was crucified upon the cross and it is believed that Jesus’ own life was taken to make up for all of the past, present and future sins of followers and non-believers. Jesus bore his followers sins upon the cross and died in their place so they could be reconciled to God and receive eternal life. The cross also symbolizes Jesus’ salvation to the world where his life was taken and then he rose days later to show that He was the Son of God.
There are also many other meanings of the cross especially found in Western Culture. It is believed that all four physical elements (fire, water, air, earth) make up the cross. Lastly, it is believed to symbolize directional symbols as well (north, south, west, and east).

What is the Star of David meaning?

Star of David symbolThe Star of David    has been associated with the Jewish people for centuries. A stone arch bearing the Star of David in a synagogue in the Galilee dates back to the 3rd century. The symbol was first seen in writing in a 12th century work. A Siddur dated 1512 from Prague has the phrase, “..He will merit to bestow a bountiful gift on anyone who graphs the Shield of David.” The Star of David can be found on the tombstones of religious Jews in Europe since the 18th century. It was chosen as the emblem for the Zionist movement in 1897 and is the symbol on the flag for the State of Israel.
The Star of David, which is called the Magen David in Hebrew, means “Shield of David.” This six sided figure symbolizes that God rules over the universe and protects us from all six directions: North, South, East, West, Up and Down, with the middle of the hexagram providing the spiritual dimension. There are many beliefs regarding the origin of the Star of David. One is that King David won a battle against his enemy, King Nimrod, and his shield had the two interlocking triangles on it, which then became known as the “Shield of David.” Another belief is that God is compared to a shield who gave his divine protection to King David .

What is the meaning of Chai?

Chai symbolChai is a Jewish symbol which means, “Life.” A popular toast is, “L’Chaim!” which means, “To Life!” Chai symbolizes the importance of the life we have been given, to appreciate life, and the wish for a good life. Chai is made up of two Hebrew letters – chet and yud. Judaism places significance in numerology; the chet is the 8th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the yud is the 10th letter. Combined, they total 18, which is a number that represents good luck. It is for this reason that a monetary gift for a Jewish wedding, a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, Hanukkah, or any celebration, is often given in multiples of 18.

What is the meaning of a dreamcatcher ?

Dreamcatcher symboldreamcatcher is thought to catch bad or negative dreams and is seen as a symbol of unity amongst Native Americans. The dream catchers themselves derive from an ancient story of a special spider mother whose children moved to all corners of the land. Their mother and grandmothers sewed magical webs for her children using cordage made from plants, sinew and willow hoops. The dream catchers were meant to keep out any bad dreams and promote only good dreams for the children.
The Ojibwe people first made the dream catcher and through intermarriages with other tribes, the concept grew and grew. It wasn’t until the 1960’s and 1970’s that dream catchers grew in popularity and spread to other cultures to share and enjoy their beauty.

What is the heart symbol origin?

Heart SymbolThe heart symbol is a universal symbol for love, caring, and affection and dates back to the mid-13th century where it was found in a manuscript. By the end of the Middle Ages, the shape of the heart became more frequently used as a symbol for love. The heart symbol with an arrow through it means a captured heart. A heart that is broken into two pieces symbolizes a broken heart. In 1977, the heart was introduced as a symbol for a slogan in New York, “I Love NY.” Its popularity quickly grew after the heart was used in this manner and soon it became a universal symbol.

What is the peace sign meaning?

Peace symbolThe peace sign symbolizes universal peace. The peace sign was created by British artist Gerald Holtom in 1958. It was originally designed as a symbol for the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War. The three lines in the circle represent two letters – N and D, which stands for Nuclear Disarmament.
There is a system in place assigns letters of the alphabet to the position of flags. This method of communication was used between ships that were a great distance apart.
The two lines on the bottom of the peace symbol which are at a 45 degree angle represent two flags held at this angle, which represents the letter “N.” The straight line in the middle that goes up and down represents the letter, “D.”
Although the symbol was originally designed for the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War in England, the popularity of the symbol quickly spread and became a symbol of the peace movement in the United States in 1960. It was very popular during the Vietnam War and is now used as an internationally known symbol for peace amongst all people.

What is the ganesh meaning?

Ganesh symbolGanesh is a Hindu God that emerged as a widely worshipped deity in the 4th and 5th centuries CE. It is depicted with the head of an elephant. He is believed to remove arrogance, obstacles, narcissism, and selfishness. Ganesh is revered as benevolent supernatural being of great intellect and appreciation of the arts and sciences.
He represents everything that derives from the material universe. It is not uncommon to find a statue or symbol of Ganesh in a Hindu’s presence. He has over time become one of the most worshipped and praised gods out of all of the Hindu gods.

What is om meaning?

omThe Om represents God, Creation, and the Oneness of all creation. It is most commonly used in Buddhist and Hindu religions. Om is more specifically called Pranava, which means, “it infiltrates life and runs through our breath.”
The first breath of creation signifies that Om is the primordial sound. Om is often seen as the utmost of all mantras or vibrations. Today Om is often practiced as a part of yoga.

What is ankh meaning?

Ankh symbolThe Ankh has several meanings amongst different religions and cultures. The Egyptian’s believe that the ankh represents the Nile. There are also many Egyptian gods that are represented in hieroglyphs that are found holding the ankh.The gods are portrayed holding the ankh by its loops.
Another belief of the ankh is that it represents life, especially eternal life. Some also refer to it as the crux ansata, which means the key of life. It is also believed to be a symbol of power to sustain the person holding it. They are supposed to then have a long life from holding or wearing the ankh.

What is Buddha meaning?

buddha symbolBuddha is a Sanskrit word that means, “The Awakened One.” It represents the life Siddhartha, an Indian prince born in 563 BC who gave up the throne and renounced his royal upbringing with its lavish lifestyle to devote his life to searching for the Truth. He set out to find the true meaning of happiness for people all around the world.
He first met with the most esteemed religious teachers of the day and sought guidance from them. He studied with them for over six years and he believed that all of the ignorance had been lifted from him. He embarked on his lifelong journey to teach others how to achieve true peace and joy, how to gain true wisdom, and how to see reality. His teaching is known as the Dharma. Buddha’s followers devote their lives to the practice of Enlightenment to gain the wisdom that transcends suffering and to teach others the same.
Siddhartha was was named the “Awakened One” or “Buddha.”

What is the lotus flower meaning?

Lotus FlowerThe lotus flower has several meanings among several different cultures and religions. The lotus flower retracts at night and then emerges beautifully the next morning. The Egyptians associated the flower with the sun which also disappeared in the nighttime.
In Buddhism, the lotus flower is known for exactness, spiritual awakening, and purity because the lotus flower emerges from dark and muddy waters and then transforms into a beautiful flower. In Buddhism the lotus flower is seen as something that is very clean.
In Hinduism, the lotus flower is associated with fruitfulness, spirituality, attractiveness, affluence, eternity, and purity. It also symbolic in Hinduism that gorgeous, amazing flower emerges from the muddy waters.

Hematite Crystals

Hematite Crystals

Stimulate The Mind Protective, Grounding And Balancing

Hematite crystals have an excellent grounding and balancing energy, as well as being a powerful aid to stimulate the mind. They enhance memory and evoke deep thought.
They have a highly protective energy and are good to help women who lack courage.
If you desire to stimulate your mind for higher learning, they are most helpful, especially in the field of mathematics and technical studies.
They will assist the development of logical thought processes, and help you to reach the highest capacity possible.
They will heighten self confidence, will power and self-esteem.
The energy of these stones have a strong physical grounding energy, that vibrates strongly at the base or root chakra, and they are known for their action to provide pain relief.

Why Would You Use It

Hematite crystals will help to relieve any spaciness you may feel especially if you have been working with high vibration crystals.
Using these grounding crystals will help to settle you and totally ground your energy to earth, as they help you to make a stronger connection to the earth.
By taking any excess energy down via the base chakra to the earth chakra, and to Mother Gaia, this will help to prevent any health problems that can develop.
This stone is highly protective, and is useful to protect and seal your aura field to prevent intrusion from unwanted entities while undertaking spiritual journeying.
If you have been using high vibration stones, especially stones that stimulate the third eye and crown chakra, Hematite crystals will ground you spiritually on your return.
These crystals can be beneficial to stabilize your energy field, to allow you to keep your connection both with Mother Gaia and with spirit.

How Will It Help You

The energy of this crystal will help to balance your aura and align your chakras, as it brings together the energy of the mind, body and spirit.
Sometimes when you work with high crystal energy stones you can become dreamy or spacy and lose yourself to the high vibration energy, instead of integrating it throughout your entire chakric system.
Hematite Crystals can be very helpful to assist you to embody the high vibration energy while at the same time aiding you to let go of any excess of energy.
This is important as spaciness can make it hard to operate effectively, and to get on with day to day living. Hematite crystals are not just for grounding as they aid you to integrate the energy of the physical and the spiritual.
This type of grounding helps to bring the flow of light energy down from the higher chakras and throughout the entire body. Lightbody energy is highly beneficial if it is balanced, rather than allowing it to be diffused erratically.
It is not simply good enough to work with the high vibration energy, which is all very nice, but it is also important to bring through the energy of spirit to the physical to manifest within your life. Use it in meditation, to aid tranquility and help to calm your thoughts.

Where Does It Come From ... Hematite Meaning

Hematite has been found in a large number of locations, including Africa, Sweden, Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Western Australia, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and the USA.
It was originally named Haematite, which dated back to antiquity, but the spelling was changed to remove the "a". This name relates to the Greek word meaning blood.
The meaning of it's name is due to the fact that it is commonly a deep red color, which closely resembles the color of blood. Its color may also be grayish black, brownish, orangey red or have a silvery metallic lustre.
Many people associate Hematite with the silvery grey colored stones, which are made from ground up, reconstituted stone.
Hematite in quartz crystalHematite in quartz crystal
Hematite crystals like the one in the image above, are less common and they may be tabular in form or may occur as rosettes.
It also occurs as a red inclusion in quartz crystals, see image on the right above, and these crystals may occur in a variety of quartz formations.
Hematite in quartz crystal, like the one on the left, has various names given to it.
This includes the names 'Red Quartz' and Hematoid quartz, which usually refers to stones like the one shown here that are commonly a deeper red color which is overlaid clear quartz.

The name Harlequin quartz or Fire Quartz usually refers to crystals that have red dots or strings of Hematite within them.The name Ferruginous Quartz may also be used to refer to a piece of quartz that contains a good concentration of either Hematite or Limonite.
The silvery Hematite stones and magnetic beads that many people wear, are made from reconstituted Hematite. They have some different metaphysical properties that are very useful.

Who Should Use It

Hematite is easy to buy, and if you wish to stimulate your mind for higher learning, they are most helpful, especially in the area of mathematics and technical studies.
These crystals are beneficial to stimulate the mind and they enhance memory and induce deep thought.
They will help with the development of logical thought processes, and aid you to reach the highest capacity possible.
They have a quite protective energy and are advantageous stones to help women who lack courage. They will heighten self confidence, will power and self-esteem.
These stones are said to embody both the yin and the yang energies, the male and the female energy, which require being in balance for good health.
They are very beneficial to remedy yin imbalances in your system, and are also 
Hematitehelpful to aid you to let go of negativity and feel more at peace.
Hematite crystals and stones have an excellent vibration that aids spiritual grounding and balancing.  
Hematite crystals is an excellent female stone, assisting timid women to have heightened confidence and self-esteem.
Health problem that are aided by using them include their action to strengthen the liver and to support the health of the spleen.
They are also helpful to aid you to overcome addictions.
They are said to be very helpful to aid problems in the blood system, and blood disorders such as anemia, and are known to be helpful to assist you to absorb iron.
This crystal is said to aid in the formation of new red blood cells, as it helps the production of blood within the bone marrow.
It has a good action to ensure that broken bones or fractures heal properly.
If you use it at the solar plexus also known as the power chakra, this energy may enhance your willpower and personal magnetism.
It will help to boost your self esteem and help you to feel better overall emotionally and physically. It may also help to establish peace and harmony in your life.
It is a good idea to carry a piece on the body to enhance your health. The use of the hematite magnetic bracelets or pendants may be an easy and highly beneficial way to use these stones.

Wearing Hematite Magnets

Magnetic bracelets and necklaces made from Hematite are now quite common, and you will find them on the zodiac birthstone list page.
Not only are they excellent to aid spiritual grounding, but they also have a number of other excellent healing qualities and are powerful to keep on the body.
Magnetic Hematite Bead NecklaceMagnetic Hematite Bead Necklace
Beads made from Hematite crystals are very easy to get as jewelry, and can be found as bracelets or necklaces, and come in a range of different styles.
They are birthstones for Aquarius, so read more about them and other Gemini birthstones there.
They are available at a large number of places, and you may find you are also able to get birthstone jewelry made from this stone.
Hematite jewelry is easy to find, including Hematite rings, bracelets and necklaces, that are highly beneficial to wear.
These crystals are excellent to relieve headaches, especially those associated with using high vibration crystals and becoming ungrounded.They are also good stones to use to grid your home to help to prevent negative energy build up.
In my own home, they are in each of the corners of the home, and in my study where the computer is located.
This room has extra ones to aid the dissipation of energy build up from the electromagnetic fields created.
They are also good to use to place on the body in healing layouts, one at each chakra to balance the energy flow in the body.
They may also bring pain relief to back problems if placed at intervals along the spine.

Combining It With Other Stones

It is beneficial to use other strong spiritual grounding stones with Hematite crystals.
Stones that combine well with this stone include Tourmilated Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian Stone, Iron Pyrite, Smokey Quartz or Cerussite.
This stone has a very similar structure to another magnetic stone known as Lodestone or Magnetite, seen in image on right. These two crystals are highly compatible when used together.
To help you with overcoming addictions it may be beneficial to combine this stone with other stones that are also known to aid addictions.
You may like to use it with higher vibration stones such asPurple Amethyst Crystals or Datolite, which are both excellent to help you to let go of addictive substances or behavior.
As it has a strong resonance at the lower chakras, you may choose to use it with the base chakra stones Dravite also known as Brown Tourmaline, Black Obsidian Stone, Jet, Staurolite or Unakite.
If you could use some help to stimulate your willpower, combine them with Iron Pyrite,Orange Carnelian, Dumortierite, Preseli Bluestone, Sardonyx, Libyan Desert Glass, Pietersite or Malachite, and use them at the solar plexus chakra.
To aid this stones strong action to help you to harmonize your male-female energies you may choose to use it with other crystals that have the same action.
Stones such as Marcasite, Amazonite, Nephrite Jade, Turquoise, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Shaman Stones, Iolite, Magnetite, Amesite, Ascension Stones, Sphalerite and Golden Yellow Labradorite are good choices.
If you wish to use this stone to boost your memory, combine it with other stones that also aid the memory.
Other stones that have a good effect on the memory includes Azurite, Diaspore, Herderite, Ascension Stones, Green Calcite, Baryte, Axinite and Emeralds.

Photo Gallery... Hematite Crystals

Magnetic HematiteMagnetic Hematite
Hematite CrystalHematite Crystal